

我不知道是不是真的有所謂「分手潮」,但是年後「離職潮」,我想確定是有的…而準備離開一份工作,跟面對結束一段感情,情緒情境上,或許真的有些相似,有百般的不願意,有許多的捨不得,或許,有更多的,無奈… 就像,距離我第一次跟主管提出要離職的想法,到我離職的那一天,剛好整整相距四個月,我的「堅持」,跟他們的「慰留」,拔河了好久…

想起整整四個月前的星期一一大早,我刻意提早到公司,在我主管還沒準時進辦公室之前,寫好發出給他的,說我想與這份工作「分手」的「離職信」… 深抽一口氣,打起精神,鼓起勇氣,按下發送鍵:許多的結束,不都是這樣,開始的嗎?…

“Dear Johnny:

I am sure this is not a pleasant email to read in the morning, especially on a Mondasy morning, but believe me this is not an easy decision, either, for me at all to make, after many nights of thinking. I wanted to bring this intention, and decision, of mine up for quite a while but just never had a good chance, since I know we will and should have some long discussion for this.

I’ve made the decision, selfishly, to have all the time of mine for my family, especially my mother, and for myself, so I do need to leave this job soon. Of course, I will do my best to hand over all the account activities I know, and follow the company’s rule to start the leaving processes.

I do also need to thank you for all the great helps you have given me. I do appreciate them very much. I am sorry I have to bring up this finally, and I can assure that this decision in only based on my personal issues, my personal plan for myself, and for my dear families.”


另外,就是這部電影《Dear John 最後一封情書》,把《阿凡達》在北美票房稱霸七週之後,終於把它從冠軍寶座上,硬是給擠了下來!最後一封情書

補充:這首其實比我還大13歲的超級經典,被翻唱的次數非常多,最早的原唱,是在1953年就發行的了,比我出生還早兩年:Jean Shepard & Ferlin Husky 



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